Axial Skeleton and Appendicular Skeleton
The bones found in each division are illustrated and listedQuiz linkhttpswwwscreencast. The axial skeleton consists of the following bones Skull facial bones hyoid bone rib cage and the vertebral column. Skeletal System Anatomy And Physiology Skeletal System Anatomy Skeletal System Anatomy And Physiology The pectoral girdle or shoulder girdle consists of four bones that connect these supporting bones to the. . The appendicular skeleton - The bones of the arms and legs. Attachment of hand leg muscles. This includes bones in your skull cranial and facial bones ears neck back vertebrae sacrum and tailbone. Start studying Lab practical 1. INTRODUCTION The Skeletal System consists of the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. The main difference between the axial and appendicular skeleton is. Ad No Final Exams. How many bones are in the skull. Accredited to Offer CECCEUs for Licensed Professionals. ...